Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Update 4/10/14:  Back from a trip way down South. The posts are all back and yes, if you email me, you can use these and new docs that I am getting up.  

Have had issues with a new phone, wi-fi connections, etc. that have limited my access at times to information, discussion sites, email. 

But most everything is up now, and am committed to continue to get the real story, as documented by official word, and unbiased reporting, out there. (As for the BS...that will be shown for what it is, too).

Update #3:  Spent the morning with PPD.  A couple things on record. Learned a lot. They sent me my neighborhood guy. Went over very thoroughly what to say, constitutional r

ights, what to watch for, and what a judge would be looking for.  I have his number, and support.

Thank you for continuing to bring me slander and other more egregious excerpts of case in hand as well as suggestions from past of typical behavior that is bordering or completely stalking. 

I'm especially interested in the incredible audacity of that interstate stalker from Colorado.  She may have thought she was "effective" in some way, but she was obviously regarded with a simple "Hmmm...good-bye...let's shut the door."  Seems entirely possible that at the next "stalking" their will be many neighbors saying they have had enough. With them.

(We will have a "book" soon that will help all those having to go through this simply because someone doesn't like what you believe to be true.  More later. Will try to spend a little bit of every day on this.  Will keep you informed.)

Update #2

You guys are AWESOME! My goodness how that hate flies. I could write a book about these venom-filled characters. I'm going to pursue this to the best of my ability, (although I would rather be researching and feeling free to voice my opinion)....because:

1. If TMH is not guilty, and I and you and anyone else have a constitutional right to believe and state that, she has had a very young daughter stolen from her with LE's blessing and subjected perhaps immediately to a new mommy while daddy is busy hating on her mother, publically, and exposing her to viscous vilification through his hypocritical "sext-release".

2. All women are in danger of our constitutional rights being violated ... our right to our children, our right to speak out against those in power to take them, and our right to prosecute those who defame, stalk, threaten and harass us for our views.

Thank you for the rapid, prolific, and easily "identified" evidence.  And especially giving me legal standing that is, for right now, better than flagging those pages.  

I truly thank you from my heart. You give me courage.

UPDATE:  Got a LOT of evidence, both factual and other for my case. Thanks to all who are updating me!  Filing formal complaint with Central tomorrow.  Am getting more second-hand interstate cyber-harassment, too, as assailant is attempting to destroy direct evidence of bullying/threats. But links to others are still there, I think.  Don't need them all right now for my first steps, but any references to threats (even "One shouldn't be at a court hearing IF....") will help.  And especially if you have the page owner's name. Please send me, if possible, that picture of myself when dazed/stunned (in the hall) with a specific "shared by + assailant's name" if you have it.   And any references to my given name, threats by anyone responding in FB to assailant, fake "posters" or other threats with "suggestions" to their followers to post, etc.  Owners of pages that encourage threats to a persons' life, liberty, family, position in community, and/or job can be named, too, according to a legal advisor.

Please send evidence to:  Vwoolf.luna@comcast.net

More to come.  

Well, Here we go:  

Action for issuance or violation of stalking protective order
  • • attorney fees

(1)A person may bring a civil action in a circuit court for a courts stalking protective order or for damages, or both, against a person if:
(a)The person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly engages in repeated and unwanted contact with the other person or a member of that persons immediate family or household thereby alarming or coercing the other person;
(b)It is objectively reasonable for a person in the victims situation to have been alarmed or coerced by the contact;and
(c)The repeated and unwanted contact causes the victim reasonable apprehension regarding the personal safety of the victim or a member of the victims immediate family or household.
(2)At the time the petition is filed, the court, upon a finding of probable cause based on the allegations in the petition, shall enter a temporary courts stalking protective order that may include, but is not limited to, all contact listed in ORS 163.730(Definitions for ORS 30.866 and 163.730 to 163.750). The petition and the temporary order shall be served upon the respondent with an order requiring the respondent to personally appear before the court to show cause why the temporary order should not be continued for an indefinite period.
(3)(a) At the hearing, whether or not the respondent appears, the court may continue the hearing for up to 30 days or may proceed to enter a courts stalking protective order and take other action as provided in ORS 163.738 (Effect of citation).
(b)If respondent fails to appear after being served as required by subsection (2) of this section, the court may issue a warrant of arrest as provided in ORS 133.110 (Issuance) in order to ensure the appearance of the respondent in court.
(4)The plaintiff may recover:
(a)Both special and general damages, including damages for emotional distress;
(b)Punitive damages; and
(c)Reasonable attorney fees and costs.
(5)The court may enter an order under this section against a minor respondent without appointment of a guardian ad litem.
(6)An action under this section must be commenced within two years of the conduct giving rise to the claim.
(7)Proof of the claim shall be by a preponderance of the evidence.
(8)The remedy provided by this section is in addition to any other remedy, civil or criminal, provided by law for the conduct giving rise to the claim.
(9)No filing fee, service fee or hearing fee shall be charged for a proceeding under this section if a courts stalking order is the only relief sought.
(10)If the respondent was provided notice and an opportunity to be heard, the court shall also include in the order, when appropriate, terms and findings sufficient under 18 U.S.C. 922 (d)(8) and (g)(8) to affect the respondents ability to possess firearms and ammunition or engage in activities involving firearms.
(11)ORS 163.741 (Service of stalking protective order) applies to protective orders issued under this section.
(12)Except for purposes of impeachment, a statement made by the respondent at a hearing under this section may not be used as evidence in a prosecution for stalking as defined in ORS 163.732(Stalking) or for violating a courts stalking protective order as defined in ORS 163.750 (Violating a courts stalking protective order). [1993 c.626 §9; 1995 c.353 §6; 1999 c.1052 §4; 2003 c.292 §3]


  1. Wouldn't it be fitting if the only one arrested for any crime in all of this drama was a certain courthouse stalker?

    Oh, the irony.

  2. Well, I now have a very respected firm in mind. Got an exceptional refererence.
    And attorney fees will be paid by the person stalking me. So....please save those scree shots. The only pic of my stalker's rear was taken by her co-hort filming her harassment of Terri Horman. It's time for these harrassers to stop. They have no right to do this to taxpaying, upstanding citizens who merely have an interest in a court proceeding and views on it.

  3. It's time for these people to be put in their place. The harassment, the threats, the stalking...it never should have happened in the first place. To anyone. It's as if they think they are above the law. Why? Because the "support" Desire? How is anything the do supporting anyone? We ALL want Kyron found. But bullying, harassing, threatening, being vile and nasty is NOT the way to go about it. I am SO thankful you will be taking action. I hope everyone in your situation will do the same.

  4. Nia,

    Thanks. This is not about Kyron. This is vigilantism. If you look at my companion blog it details over a month of traveling around ten western states and putting up posters in small towns hoping to jog someone's memory. In 2011. In 2012 and 2013 I did the same in border areas of SoCal and New Mexico.

    Why don't they turn their energy into finding Kyron, exploring possibilites, like BOC. Houze says he can PROVE TMH was not the last to see Kyron. TMH can PROVE Rudy is lying...if they can cross. There is NO CASE against her. She will win Kiara
    back. If not in June, then in appellate court.

    Meantime, I will not be silenced. I do not need to plead the 5th. I will tell the truth about these bullies who are disregarding an individual's right to free speech and inquiry.

  5. Another Anon here. Have been worried about you. These people have shown that their threats are not idle. They make threats and act on them. And then there are those like the woman who claims she's never been to the Horman's house, but she follows Terri, maps her walking route, and supplies that information to the bullies she knows WILL act on it. These are very vicious people with ideation about harming and torturing anyone who doesn't "think" (using term lightly) like them.

    You have every right to attend the court proceedings. These people are trying to intimidate citizens from attending. Surely the courthouse should have rules to keep these attackers out of the courtroom and out of their building. The verbal and physical attacks could be seen as a form of protest. Does the court have rules about allowing protests inside the building, outside the courtroom, inside the courtroom? That might be a good angle to explore as well. All attendees should have protection from them. Their hatred is really escalating and they don't care who they hurt.

    Enjoyed your posts on JQ (what a train wreck that place is -- couldn't stomach the vitriol thrown at you for supplying copies of legal docs. wth?) and now your posts on BOC. I appreciate your tenacity and all the documents you supply (that journalists will not). But I want your safety to come first. Let us know what happens with the RO. They are unbalanced people and I'm glad you are taking their threats seriously.

    I am more and more convinced there are people out there who know more about what happened at that school but are too afraid of DY, KH, and their respective hate groups/stalkers to come forward.

    1. * meant Moulton's house, not Horman.

    2. For supplying documents. Vitriol..geez, what about the Don't Blink sight or the Maryanne page. And those docs are not always coming from a file folder. They are getting them early. To disseminate. Wonder where they are getting these files. I do know that the litigants in a case do get them before they are filed in court.
      I really could care less what those posters on JQ think, or those mods. They fell for that clever, but false "stalking" petition to get my voice silenced even at they had proof that those fakes had been stalking me even on JQ months earlier, making up a false profile in my real name and having it sit on the botton of the page...viewing. When they did that on Olive, Ben banned them. When they do it on JQ .... they are heroes that have been persecuted.

    3. Oh. And yes. Houze can prove E.Matthews and maybe more saw Kyron after TMH left. And my guess is that he will corroborate that with BOC's "witnesses" that day. Why in the world LE would sit on this man's description is beyond comprehension.

  6. Hi vwoolf,

    Glad you sought legal advice and are taking action. I'm sorry that you have become a target of some very vicious people. Everyone has a right to their opinion and to be able to express it, in a civilized manner. Do not allow them to silence you. I for one am glad that you attend the hearings and I truly appreciate it.

    Be cautious about people and your surroundings, would hate to see anything happen to you.


  7. Do what you will but I don't think it is worth communicating with any of "them" directly. You are doing great distributing fliers, advocating, attending and reporting on court proceedings. Your contribution to Kyron's cause, as well as that of Terri and her daughter, is invaluable.

    Any chanch your court house exchange was filmed, better yet, with sound? Meaning news sources, court house cameras, other friendlies.

    Be careful. These people, the whole lot of them, are not stable.


    p.s. Banished from JQ in a purge just after the "red letter" message. Had nothing to say there as mod intent was to squelch honest debate and discovery, however did have some interesting pm exchanges with Medley. I strongly suspect, but cannot prove, JQ mods read private messages. Also, banished from Socal soon after "the outing" and TJ's fathers passing. Did comment there from time to time. Was definitely in the out crowd.

  8. Well, you are lucky to be out of such groups. I posted a personal not to SM to take down my picture, and exchanged some notes with her. She POSTED them all immediately. Well, I got FOR THE RECORD their refusal to comply with a polite request and FOR THE RECORD their Disrespect for the privacy of others. Now I have blocked them. The next time they hear from me it will be through litigation.
    Regarding filming. If it comes to that there were many cameras there. But I think the most obvious will be the picture they took of me, and their own filming of that woman running down the hall to harass TMH.

    1. Gotcha. I had not paid enough attention to notice that was probably SG with the long hair being filmed by her cohort (wonder who that was). I guess no point in doing it if you can not star in your own movie.


  9. Wow. This case has produced so many -- to be blunt -- crazies. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I suspect many of these crazies are against the U.S. Constitution, the entire judicial system (when it works and follows the U.S. Constitution) and are also possibly a pack of ladies who have been dumped by husbands, ala Desiree Young. Sometimes I read their hysterics on Facebook and I think that they're all trying to "get Terri" because of a scorned woman thing, and NOT AT ALL because of Kyron. I don't think they give a damn about Kyron.

  10. VW, thought you might have some say in this survey: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2014/02/multnomah_county_survey_lets_r.html#incart_river_default

  11. Sorry, hon. Busy with volunteer work and some docs and cannot go to links due to stalkers that threaten. Sure you mean well. If you tell me the jest of the story above, i'll find it.

  12. VW, it's on online survey but you can also call to request a copy which might be easier for you.

    By Kelly House | khouse@oregonian.com
    Email the author | Follow on Twitter
    on February 27, 2014 at 9:35 AM, updated February 27, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    (snip) The county's Office of Citizen Involvement is conducting an online survey for residents to share their thoughts with the County Board of Commissioners before commissioners approve next year's budget. Traditionally, board members approve the budget in the late spring, before a new fiscal year begins July 1.

    Multnomah County leaders are delving into the annual budget process with high hopes that, after more than a decade of yearly cuts, they might be able to expand some programs next year. Last year, no major cuts were made, but neither was any significant money added back into the budget.

    To take the survey, which is available in English and Spanish, visit the Office of Citizen Involvement website. Paper versions of the survey are also available. Contact Robb Wolfson at 503-988-3450 to request a copy.

    The survey asks respondents to identify the county services they value most, then asks them to pick their favorite from a list of programs that could receive additional funding next year.

    The survey closes on March 10. The Office of Citizen Involvement will use the results in a report to commissioners this spring.

    --Kelly House

  13. Did you ever get a RO filed against anyone in this case for the harassment of you and your family?
