Sunday, July 14, 2013


Newest Page on FAPA Docket: Will LE keep all those "probable causes" under glass?

Or will Bunch and Houze come in to find this one, too, will be abated?
Can LE/DA file a motion to Stop this one from happening?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 12, 2013 (revised 7/15)

In the State of Oregon: In the shadow of Mt. Hood

Now comes yet another Decision by Judge Kantor that swings toward the Vehicles of Under the HILL:

Renewal of Restraining Order
By Order of the Court
Honorable Heny Kantor (PS. NOT a Family Arbitrator, by experience. But what the heck does that matter) does so arbitrate:

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Page 3  What about that question and answer at the bottom that it seems a little "off"?

Could you just answer the question, Kaine?  It's a Yes/No one.  Methinks there is another
member of you former partnership that is the "master of diversion, misconception".

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