Thursday, December 5, 2013

It Just Gets More Complicated: Five copies for the last Month's Docket

Well here we are. Big difference in the last three years. On this day in 2010, Keith and Dan were leading the star players thru the warroom. Staton was sure something would play out in the coming month; Judge Messitup  had postponed the Divorce Abatement question till January, searches were coming. In February Staton brought 6 Feds on board. In June the "task force" was disbanded. In June and the next June, Judge M. renewed the R/O. 

Now the real divorce is underway.  Kaine must show his parenting skills during this divorce.  Although he only has to take an out of state online course to do that:  He passed.

 Multnomah Family Court Services gives the online completion of the course a head's up. Of course TMH will
have to take one too.

Kaine, et all, are now to take on Houze and Houze and Bunch:

 Is the new Houze team going to be swayed with the online class? (And will they believe that, Phyllis, or whoever she is, didn't take it for him?)

Trying to figure out what is what with the four .25 filled dockets sheets I got.  Pieced them together:


  1. VW I commend you in going in to get the documentation that the biological father of a child who has unjustly kept from her biological mother based on nothing but hearsay, innuendo and rumors has a piece of paper that every person must obtain whilst going through a divorce. I really don't understand the fanfare he is given for doing what he is supposed to do other than he is trying very hard to prove that he is a fit parent who hasn't been there physically or emotionally for his kids and uses little Kiara as a pawn. I hope Dr. Vien is able to intercept and get some help for that child.

    1. Not sure that is Dr. Vien's job. His is to evaluate the parenting skills and emotional vulnerabilities of both potential custodial parents.

      I think Houze/bunch meant, when he said he would have expert testimony on Kiara reuniting with her mom that that person would be an expert in that area only.

      Could be wrong, but Bunch has mentioned this scenario a few times in the past 3 years.

    2. VW I'm sure that the Houze/Bunch have some things up their sleeve for the upcoming hearings as they don't strike me as ones who are reactive. I've noticed over the past year that they have been more proactive and having the new Houze joining the group is beneficial for everyone. I was hoping that Dr. Vien could give some help considering what Kiara has been through but you're probably right that it's just the one facet that he is being hired to do.

  2. Just to be clear, I do really appreciate your hard work. :)

  3. Never thought about it, but online parenting tests should not be allowed, simply for the point you make - no proof on who actually took the exam. We know Kaine is apt to fudge the truth, even under oath, so I'd be leery of accepting it.

    Appreciate that you get the docs. Thanks. It's so important to actually read what is really entered in the file since the local media bias is still playing the 'team player' game. Who is the puppeteer? I think it goes clear up to the top...


  4. Hi vwoolf,

    Thanks for going down to the courthouse to get the latest copies. I appreciate your time and effort. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Maz,

      You're welcome. No counter motion from Rackner's office yet.

  5. Thanks VW!

    FYI-- It needs to be mentioned here that Children in Between is a program to improve "co-parenting" skills. The goal is to co-parent without conflict and eliminate using Divorce Poison tactics when "working together with the other parent."

    This does not certify that he is a fit parent. It only certifies that he got an 89.5% on conflict resolution when co-parenting in the best interest of the child.


    1. Not sure I understand. Does that score mean in THEORY that if he were co-parenting he'd pass the "best interests of the child" criteria?

      Cuz I don't think he was online with TMH or DY at the time.

  6. SIL ~

    Conflict resolution for Kaine is his way or the highway by the looks of things. I thought that these parenting classes emphasized that one parent shouldn't speak badly of the other so the child isn't traumatized? Me thinks that daddy-o misread that instruction and essentially called Terri a drunken whore while he was galavanting around with other women, using steroids and raking in money with his fake awareness events. All for Kyron, right? What about Kiara? I'm sure he is working on some sort of remote control at Intel that he can fasten to her clothes so he doesn't have to actually interact with her.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well, Anon. I think he is the pot calling the kettle and has been. Not sure of the advanced technology to implant into Kiara.

      But i DO recall that not very many pictures from the TMH facebook page show him interacting in a loving way to Kiara. IMO. And that comment he made very early on, with DY, that Kiara was a "changed" girl?

      It is possible the just the change from the chaotic craziness of the three weeks before the abduction led to a comfort zone when with her parent, Kaine, and fewer people in the house....for a while.

      That said, I cannot imagine that TMH was forgotten in that child's psyche for very long.


    3. Given the inexperience that Kaine actually has with his children in raising them hands on, it was merely snarky of me to suggest about his interaction with Kiara, but I am concerned about her psyche and future social skills. Carrying on with yet another women when a decree hasn't even happened yet is harmful for this little girl and for someone who continues to say publically that he wants what is in the best interest for her, he sure hasn't shown it by his actions.

    4. No prob. What is an insult to to the public and into the soul of Kaine is that this was going on during the public stoning of TMH for the sexting.

  7. I'm curious how you ended up getting the docket in four (4) quarter-sheets for the November docket. What was the clerk's explanation?

    Did you happen to notice Document 110 is missing?

    Have you tried to look up the court docket at the courthouse using the computer terminals, to find out the title of Document 110?

    1. Oops. Just checked the originals.
      Vwoolf is getting sloppy. No news there. Simply covered it.

      110 11/08/13 11/08/13 Hearing Motion Scheduled 12/1913 9am TH +

  8. Oregon has a very good open records law. What is so different about this case that everyone at the courthouse is helping obstruct the public's access to public records?

    1. Well, the clerks are overworked but they are very nice. However, I wonder why the lag time. And those motions to abate by LE that were sealed? We know, because Kantor ruled against sealing the first time....were pure sensationalism in my book.
      And I wonder if the media got the complete depos.

    2. Has either party filed a motion to publish the depositions, or demanding a party submitting only part of the deposition be required to file the entire transcript?

      "Nice" has nothing to do with it. Getting a docket on strips of paper in order to conceal a document is obstruction.

      When I asked to the abatement order last year, I was questioned by two different clerks as to why I wanted the document. The first clerk set me to a second clerk. The second clerk finally told me that nobody could locate the document.

  9. See above comment. They didn't "conceal" a document. I just positioned the folded papers so that #110 was covered.

  10. Thanks. I still think that some of the clerks are obstructing access to public records. This this case was the first and only time I ever encountered difficulty obtaining public record documents from a public court file.

    There is one female clerk in the file room who was helpful. She still could not produce documents that were filed two months prior. I suspect the problem was coming from those of a higher pay grade.
