Saturday, December 7, 2013

Draft: The Revolving Door Keeps Spinning

Attempted murder:

The Action

In order to be convicted of attempted murder, a prosecutor must show that the accused took a “direct step” towards killing the targeted victim. Courts have explained the requirement for a direct step by stating that a person must go beyond merely preparing to commit the crime, and instead cross over into actually perpetrating it. Preparation is thinking about committing the crime, talking about it, or otherwise planning to do it, while perpetration is taking an action that puts the plan in motion and that would result in the intended killing. The kinds of actions that are enough to be a direct step differs from case to case, though there are a range of actions that can qualify, such as:
  • Stalking, tracking, or ambushing. This includes hiding out in waiting, tracking the victim down, or following the victim, hoping for an opportunity to commit the murder.
  • Luring. Includes trying to convince the victim to come to a specific place or take specific actions that will make it possible for the victim to be murdered.
  • Breaking-in. For example, unlawfully sneaking into a home, property, or other place where the victim is or thought to be.
  • Constructing. This might include collecting all the materials necessary for the murder, such as the parts of a bomb, and starting to put them together.
  • Soliciting. For instance, paying or convincing someone else to commit the murder, or even convincing an unknowing person to carry out a key part of the crime, such as unknowingly planting a bomb.


  1. Well, seems some of those Chalker/Stalkers who have made threats on their internet posts might actually be the ones that should be looked at for possible MFH attempts. Or Attempted Murder by Collusion (acting on behalf of another, who obtains money from said criminal to aid in the act of stalking).


  2. Thinking about this, TMH did NOT attempt to hire Rudy, or anyone else.
    She simply did NOT make any one of the moves stated above.
    Therefore, technically, all those reports and accusations are inaccurate.

  3. VW since you follow this kind of thing, guess who has millions of OT?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Too much swearing. Had to delete my own comments.

    Yep. Read the article and commented when I could be reasonably restrained. LOL

  7. Did you see the article about criminal charges for a message in lipstick left on a car window?

    Wonder how long Terri Horman has to ensure the chalker/stalkers until she qualifies under ORS 163.172?

  8. And it continues so prepare to swear some more VW,

    (first, admit you have a problem) (snip) "The sheriff's office recognizes we are accountable to the board," Staton said.

    (second, admit that you are an idiot) (snip) However, the audit found, overall staffing costs have ballooned by more than $5.7 million in the past three years. That's because sheriff's officers logged upwards of 26,000 more hours last year than in 2011, even as the inmate population remained stagnant.

    (third, get a clue) (snip) Each of the past several years, Staton's office has drastically undershot in its overtime cost predictions. As a result, overtime money has run dry far before year's end, and the office has had to borrow funds that should be spent to hire new employees

    (fourth, admit defeat) (snip) The office predicted it would spend $3.57 million on overtime. It ended up spending more than $8 million.

    (fifth, blame somebody else because it can't possibly be that Staton is inept) (snip) Staton blames the budget mishap on suicide watch shifts – unscheduled work to watch over inmates in danger of killing themselves – which he says have shot up in recent years. Last year, his office spent $1.3 million in overtime on suicide watch shifts. This year, the department is expecting to spend even more.

  9. VW, more on the OT but it looks like someone watched the meeting and was able to get a good overall feeling of how corrupt MCSO and Staton is. Another link for you:

  10. Oh no VW! You mean to tell me that Chief Reese doesn't want to have to explain his actions when disciplining an officer appropriately like not shooting the mentally ill and covering it up with lies and excuses? Say it isn't so!

    (snip) Chief Mike Reese had objected to the auditor's earlier proposal that would have required him to explain every time his discipline didn't follow the recommended discipline from the bureau's Police Review Board. The board, made up of police supervisors, peer officers, citizens and the Independent Police Review Division director, reviews investigations of alleged police misconduct.

  11. Of course Chief Reese is with the Portland Police Bureau - not the Multnomah County Sheriff Office...
