Friday, December 27, 2013

Recent orders:  Judge Kantor's modifications of Motion and Order to Postpone and his Order against DA intervention (of sorts):

Note that Kantor did specifically state the DA's office could be
"heard", but could not intervene....I suspect only Kantor knows the leeway taken.


  1. In two hours from post time.

    Horman Kaine Andrew */Horman Terri Lynn Moulton MCR 12/31/13 1:15P THXK 544 JUDGE KANTOR 100666084 Hearing


  2. Yes. I went. Short notice or what? Not much except February dates getting firmed up to "hear" custody case or to just "discuss" the issues of custody? Confusing and Max was not there. Nor any newpeople 'cept Ch 2. Wanted a quote from me when I walked out...told him to talk to Bunch.

    1. ETA....This response was written before I found out that in the first 5 minutes of the Hearing ..... the whole Dissolution had taken place! What I heard while there was Kantor responding to Bunch's request to revisit the Rudy ruling. It's my next post.

  3. Glad you got there. Thanks. Thought it would be about the sting conversation coming in and RSE testimony admissibility. No tweets from Max, Kyle, or Anna. Maybe they found out in advance nothing worth the trip. Looking forward to your account on BOC and here. And thanks for your dedication to this case.


