Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Protective Order to Seal Desiree and TY's Mental and other medical Records used in the Suit


Signed by Henry Kantor  

in reference to Plaintiff's (Desiree Young) Motion for a protective Order to not have Mental or other Medical Records available to the Public.  But may be used in court.  

So that would mean that if the suit was NOT abated these records could be used when parties were called to the stand.

Note that this Protective Order was Submitted:  November 21st.

Date that the Protective order was served on Wagner/Houze/Bunch.....November 21st

Stay of the SUIT....November 21st

Motion to Abate and Seal...November 21st

Date Desiree Young and Tony Young were to be Deposed....November 22nd

Submitted by Elden Rosenthall


  1. Thank you for posting these. It is apparent they don't want some information to be seen by the public.

    They certainly didn't do this for Terri's benefit now did they?

  2. Your welcome, Maz.

    This order was written by Kantor, for the Plaintiff.

    No, and they didn't do this for James and Dede's benefit.

    Rosenthall stopped the medical records of TY, Kaine, DY from being leaked.
    LE stopped them all from being depoed.

    Wouldn't finding Kyron mean that they were willing to risk any public exposure to their personal lives?

    They sure subjected the Plaintiff to enough exposure.
