Sunday, December 15, 2013
Statement analysis....thrice removed. What do they say about the third time? Part 2 12/15/13
Here is more from the DEPOSITION of Kaine Horman that is referred to in Engel's Response to TMH's Motion to show Cause
Statement #4
Bunch: "Petetioner confirmed in his deposition that neither Skyline Schoo, Respondent's physician, nor Kiara's pediatrician ever raised concerns about Respondent's parenting skills"
Engels: "The statement proves very little, if anything. From 2007 to 2010 the parties were married and living together. While it is conceivable that one spouse would complain to teachers and physicians about the other spouse, it is more likely that those professionals would be spared such details of marital discourse."
Vwoolf: First off, what happened to the earlier years? 2002-2007? Those years in which DY states are inclusive in the all the years that "she always hated Kyron". From the time Kyron was born he was spending time with Kaine (and TMH) in Kaine's new home away from home --- obviously Kaine decided then that he and DY were to live "separate lives" NOT under the same roof.
That was the the time, btw, in which the "LIE" about TMH being a friend of DY was morphed into a statement by TMH, herself. In reality it was a Kaine's sister-in-law (the perp's ex) that stated such. Of course neither DY nor KH ever corrected that "lie" that went viral.
With all of TMH's "lies" during that period….no mention of her not being a great parent to Kaine's son? Nope. Instead, she recognized he needed glasses. He became so close to James and TMH that no-one could tell they were not birth siblings. And she took over his pre-school years.
In short, no-one could state any of Engel's suggestions… of "marital discord" then, either.
Why? Because even if TMH was seething, she put her feelings aside for the sake of the family. Like her friend, Dede, her friends, and everyone else said at the time…..she put kids first.
Did Kaine? And did he support his wife when she wasn't glistening and sexy after getting up at 4am to compete in bodybuilding. Before getting kids off to pre-school and middle-school/hs and running the house, working at restaurants and attending all the school/social stuff?
Futhermore, I've never read anything that said that she liked the sport or the attention that bodybuilding/competing gave her. Did she do it for herself, or, putting herself and the kids on the burner, do it for Kaine?
"She competed in ONE contest. And that was the end of her body-building"-- ( Kaine, in LT's Bio.)
So…who's not sharing details of "marital discord" when they were NOT married'? Not Kaine, at that time, either. Although he would not marry the woman that kept it comfortable to keep his son. Nor would he put the house or car in her name, either.
Why?…..he had a live-in housekeeper, free child-care, an income to add to the pot, a sexy wife, and didn't have to invest in a real marriage.
Statement #5
Bunch: "It is Petitioner's position that Respondent should not have any parenting time with Kiara. However, in his deposition, Petitioner could point to no objective evidence that did not come from communications from law enforcement in support of his position."
Engel's: This misrepresents Petitioner's November 5, 2013 deposition testimony. Petitioner could not answer that series of questions because the passage of time has made it difficult to differentiate between what Petiitioner knows now as a result of the criminal investigation surround the disappearance of KH, and what knowledge KH has as a result of personal observations from three or four years ago. The actual exchange is set forth on pages 126-136 of the depo transcript as Exhibit 1. The transcript speaks for itself"
Vwoolf: Whoa!…. OK….really?
P. 126….Engels has Houze explain the rules the judge laid down
p. 127….Houze asks Kaine if he has any INDEPENDENT knowledge that TMH was involved in the disappearance. Kaine says….."I have been -- I've had things written in the media shared with me. There are other…" (Houze tells him to confer with Engel) …. "I'm trying to…That's---i struggle with the response, I apologize." …….p. 128 "I can kind of half answer it and I'd rather fully answer it. So can we just take just one---one quick second. Sorry. Just one." (Houze offers to go off the record….comes back and tells him he's asking for a THIRD party (not LE)a known by Kaine. ….p129 (Engels and Houze discuss semantic meaning of "independent"). Kaine finally says, "I think I understand the question. I think the observations and interactions with T around the time of his disappearance that shortly thereafter would --that would be all I can think of at this point in time." Houze asks WHAT observations lead to INDEPENDENT thinking that TMH is involved in disappearance. Kaine says it was her behavior, "her---I guess, behavior is broad…Behavior and responses to things during the timeframe after". p.130. Houze asks. "…..What observations…?"
Kaine says, "Would need a little more time to think about that one. My initial response was, at the tim of and following the disappearance, I could probably talk to that a little bit more now….I would need to think…talk to Brett….insure that the INTEGRITY of my response is per the Court's ruling…..there's a BLEND of people….difficult to distinguish between the ruling…and that…."
House says OK…..we'll come back to that…."Have you ever undertaken any formal training or classes in parenting skills?"
P 131. Parenting skills talk. ….when classes taken…."alienating spouses" talk
p. 132 Kaine doesn't remember if Kiara ever told him "mommy is dead"
p. 133 Kaine admits NOT independently making the decision to not talk to Kiara and tell her her mother wanted to see her
p. 134-136 Engels tells Kaine NOT TO GUESS when Houze presses about what the hallmarks of a good parent are.
Hmmm! So, Engels is really talking about pp. 126-130.
And Kaine is excused from NOT coming up with an independent knowledge that TMH cannot parent Kiara because of…..
p. 127…..Things were written in the MEDIA
p. 128…..Needs to cover information with Engels
p.129 …..nebulous OBSERVATIONS and INTERACTIONS with TMH
p.129-130 …..nebulous BEHAVIOR
Looks like Kantor will agree…….the "depo" speaks Loud and Clearly for itself........
Kaine can't think of ONE behavior, ONE interaction or ONE observation of TMH prior to 2010 that indicates TMH should not have parenting time with Kiara. NOT ONE!
Statement analysis....thrice removed. What do they say about the third time? Part 1 12/15/13
Below is a rendition of the 1st 2 Responses Engels makes in the RESPONSE to TMH's Motion to Show Cause and Temporary Parenting Time. He is speaking to Kantor and arguing against Bunch's statements made to support parenting time/temporary custody.
I've condensed the wording, but the spirit and context are complete. If I have made a glaring error in either, please leave a comment below. I will continue with the next two statements in the next post. I want to have my thoughts in order before I take notes tomorrow, if I go to the emergency hearing.
Below is a rendition of the 1st 2 Responses Engels makes in the RESPONSE to TMH's Motion to Show Cause and Temporary Parenting Time. He is speaking to Kantor and arguing against Bunch's statements made to support parenting time/temporary custody.
I've condensed the wording, but the spirit and context are complete. If I have made a glaring error in either, please leave a comment below. I will continue with the next two statements in the next post. I want to have my thoughts in order before I take notes tomorrow, if I go to the emergency hearing.
Bunch's Statement #1 Because of a FAPA Order obtained by Petitioner in June 2010, Respondent has not had any contact with Kiara, despite her attorney's continuing attempts over the last three years to initiate appropriate parental contact.
Engel's Response: Only thing true about that….No parenting time says the FAPA.
TMH had RIGHTS since 2010….to have a hearing to contest some or all (police probable causes)
On 10/13/1 TMH filed a motion to modify for parenting time. On 11/02/10 - she withdrew it.
It is PERFECTLY clear she gave up her right rather than participate in proceedings. Petitioner "unilaterally" suspended rights…. so this statement is FALSE. TMH is responsible for her own litigation decisions. She, alone is responsible for her choice to seek NO relief in 3 years. Kiara has NO relationship with her which is a result of her decision to exercise her rights against self-incrimination INSTEAD OF parenting rights.
My response: What's the word "unilaterally" therein? And did Engels read the intervention into the FAPA hearing in June, 2012? When Judge M. told Bunch that since Kaine states he's in contact with LE and that he 'fears for his life' that is a FACT and suggested that if LE didn't give discovery to Bunch he would still be in the same "conundrum" he was then - IF Bunch chose to pursue a contest. And since she withdrew request for parenting time in 2010 she never DID request it? I do have faith that Kantor is going to continue to look at all documents. And look at Engels statement of FACT that Kiara has no "relationship" with her birth mom.
Bunch's Statement #2
In depo, Kaine stated he and TMH were "average" parents. Said TMH cared for Kiara between 50 and 75% of time, MINIMUM.
Engel's Response: This statement supports NOTHING except the FACT TMH provided more "physical care" before the "separation" in 2010. Says NOTHING about the existence of an "EMOTIONAL bond" between Kiara and Respondent in 2010. It says NOTHING about "whether a bond currently exists." It says nothing about how "the passage of time impacted any relationship that existed in June, 2010."
My response: This statement by Bunch implies everything. It says Kaine lied/Rackner lied when stating that he was the primary parent. It says that 1-25% of caring for a child, a baby, brings more "emotional" bonding than with the primary parent who finally stood up to Kaine and said she was no longer going to work at managing restaurants AND take care of HIS child with special needs, oversee a teenager who was skipping school AND do all the housework, laundry, and yardwork. Because she wanted to be there with Kiara. (See her FB pictures and statements). What parent could possibly believe that Kiara's primary parent over 75% of the time would not foster the stronger emotional bond?
75% and Kiara NEVER mentioned her mother? What Kantor says tomorrow about this will be interesting.
Next two statements. Feel free to leave a comment.
Friday, December 13, 2013
In the Matter of the Marriage of:
Case No. 100666084
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
For the reasons set forth below, respondent Terri Horman (Mother) moves the
court to schedule an emergency hearing regarding discovery issues. This motion is
based on the court's prior rulings regarding the scope of discovery in the above-
referenced proceeding.
Mother filed a motion for temporary parenting time with her daughter, Kiara Horman, whom Mother has not seen since June 2010. On December 3, 2013, petitioner Kaine Horman (Father) filed a response in which he paraphrased portions of the deposition of Rodolfo Sanchez in support of Father's contention that Mother "solicited the help of Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez to murder [Father]." Father's allegations about the alleged solicitation are at the core of his objections to Mother having parenting time, and he draws a connection between the disappearance of Kyron Horman and the alleged solicitation.
Mother filed a motion for temporary parenting time with her daughter, Kiara Horman, whom Mother has not seen since June 2010. On December 3, 2013, petitioner Kaine Horman (Father) filed a response in which he paraphrased portions of the deposition of Rodolfo Sanchez in support of Father's contention that Mother "solicited the help of Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez to murder [Father]." Father's allegations about the alleged solicitation are at the core of his objections to Mother having parenting time, and he draws a connection between the disappearance of Kyron Horman and the alleged solicitation.
1 In taking Mr. Sanchez's deposition,1 it is evident that the line of questioning in
2 which Mr. Sanchez made certain allegations was based on information that could have
3 come only from law enforcement. Specifically, counsel for Father asked Mr. Sanchez
4 the following questions:
5 "Q. Did you ever see [Mother] someplace else besides Sheltered Nook?
6 "A. Yes.
7 "*****
8 "Q.
Do you remember the circumstances?
What do you mean 'the circumstances'?
Can you tell me if you ever saw [Mother] at a restaurant?"
What do you mean 'the circumstances'?
Can you tell me if you ever saw [Mother] at a restaurant?"
9 "A.
10 "Q.
11 Counsel for Father then asked a series of questions about the conversation that
12 allegedly occurred at the restaurant, which are set forth, in part, as follows:
13 "Q.
14 happened?
15 "A.
16 "Q.
17 "A.
18 husband treated her wrong.
"** **
Did she tell you whether [Father] abused her physically or mentally? Both ways.
She told you she was afraid for her [daughter].
Did she say why?
Did she tell you whether [Father] abused her physically or mentally? Both ways.
She told you she was afraid for her [daughter].
Did she say why?
Do you remember what happened next? After the waitress left, what
Well, she started talking to me about her husband.
Okay. Do you remember what she told you?
Not specifically, but she told me that she was desperate because her
Okay. Do you remember what she told you?
Not specifically, but she told me that she was desperate because her
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
The court should be aware that Sanchez had an interpreter present at his deposition
to translate all questions and answers; there was some confusion throughout the
deposition about the translation of certain words.
"A. Because she didn't want to lose her.
"Q. Did she use those words, she didn't want to 'lose her'?
"A. What she said is she didn't want her husband to take her away from her. "Q Did you ask her what she meant by that statement?
"A. Well, that was after what she commented to me -- she told me specifically. remember, but she told me that she wanted me to help her get rid of her
"Q. Did she use those words, she didn't want to 'lose her'?
"A. What she said is she didn't want her husband to take her away from her. "Q Did you ask her what she meant by that statement?
"A. Well, that was after what she commented to me -- she told me specifically. remember, but she told me that she wanted me to help her get rid of her
6 I don't
7 husband. I don't know if that was the correct word, but she tried to make me
8 understand that."
9 "*****
10 "Q. Do you remember her using the words 'get rid of'?
11 "A. No, but she implied it, not specifically."
12 Counsel for Father then went through a scripted set of questions about what
13 allegedly transpired at the restaurant. During the questioning, Sanchez was equivocal
14 about what Mother allegedly said to him on many occasions, and, in particular, about
15 the specific words she used. Also, during questioning by Father's lawyer, Sanchez
16 revealed that he testified before the grand jury. On several occasions, he referred to
17 documents of his that the police had in their possession. The line of questioning
18 culminated in a discussion about the last meeting Sanchez had with Mother, which
19 occurred several months later, and after Sanchez had performed additional work at the
20 Horman home. Counsel asked whether Sanchez had a conversation with Mother, to
21 which Sanchez said he had a "meeting" that lasted 15 minutes.
22 Later in the deposition, counsel for Mother asked Sanchez whether Mother
23 planned the alleged meeting. Sanchez's lawyer instructed him not to answer. After
24 assuring counsel for Sanchez that the court's ruling about restricted areas of discovery
25 would be strictly followed, Mother's lawyer asserted that he had the right to ask about
26 ////
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
1 the contents of the alleged conversation Sanchez had with Mother. Sanchez's lawyer
2 instructed the witness not to answer.
3 Based on what occurred in the Sanchez deposition, Mother contends that Father
4 has opened the door to further discovery by asking a series of questions the origin of
5 which can only have come from law enforcement. Further compounding the matter is
6 the instruction by Sanchez's lawyer to not answer any questions about the
7 conversations that occurred during the final 15-minute meeting, which would prove
8 Mother's innocence as to the numerous inaccurate allegations made by Sanchez and
9 Father.
10 In sum, as a result of the questioning of Sanchez about a alleged meeting that,
11 by Sanchez's representation, only Mother, Sanchez, and law enforcement knew
12 occurred, compounded by an instruction to Sanchez to not answer questions that would
13 have exposed the issues with his prior testimony, Mother is in precisely the situation she
14 predicted could happen in this case: an incomplete and inaccurate accounting of events
15 is being used as a cudgel to prevent parenting time and to further smear Mother before
16 the court and in the public record, while the court's prior ruling is being used by
17 Sanchez's lawyer and Father's lawyer as a shield to prevent the full disclosure of the
18 facts germane to difficult decisions this court must make.
19 For these reasons, Mother seeks an emergency hearing to present argument in
20 support of these contentions: (1) Mother should be allowed to depose law enforcement
21 about the final 15-minute meeting between Sanchez and Mother; (2) Sanchez should be
22 ordered to disclose the contents of the conversation that occurred in the final meeting;
23 and (3) Sanchez should be ordered to disclose who accompanied him to, observed, or
24 listened to the final meeting. In the alternative, the court should strike those portions of
25 Father's pleadings that refer to the Sanchez deposition.
26 ////
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
511 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: 503.688.5123 Facsimile: 503.961.1559 email:
Because of the timing of the upcoming hearing, and because of the improper
manner in which Father seeks to use Sanchez's unreliable testimony in support of his
position that Mother should not have any contact with Kiara, Mother respectfully
requests the court to set this matter at the earliest possible date.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Draft: The Revolving Door Keeps Spinning
Attempted murder:
The Action
In order to be convicted of attempted murder, a prosecutor must show that the accused took a “direct step” towards killing the targeted victim. Courts have explained the requirement for a direct step by stating that a person must go beyond merely preparing to commit the crime, and instead cross over into actually perpetrating it. Preparation is thinking about committing the crime, talking about it, or otherwise planning to do it, while perpetration is taking an action that puts the plan in motion and that would result in the intended killing. The kinds of actions that are enough to be a direct step differs from case to case, though there are a range of actions that can qualify, such as:- Stalking, tracking, or ambushing. This includes hiding out in waiting, tracking the victim down, or following the victim, hoping for an opportunity to commit the murder.
- Luring. Includes trying to convince the victim to come to a specific place or take specific actions that will make it possible for the victim to be murdered.
- Breaking-in. For example, unlawfully sneaking into a home, property, or other place where the victim is or thought to be.
- Constructing. This might include collecting all the materials necessary for the murder, such as the parts of a bomb, and starting to put them together.
- Soliciting. For instance, paying or convincing someone else to commit the murder, or even convincing an unknowing person to carry out a key part of the crime, such as unknowingly planting a bomb.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
It Just Gets More Complicated: Five copies for the last Month's Docket
Well here we are. Big difference in the last three years. On this day in 2010, Keith and Dan were leading the star players thru the warroom. Staton was sure something would play out in the coming month; Judge Messitup had postponed the Divorce Abatement question till January, searches were coming. In February Staton brought 6 Feds on board. In June the "task force" was disbanded. In June and the next June, Judge M. renewed the R/O.
Now the real divorce is underway. Kaine must show his parenting skills during this divorce. Although he only has to take an out of state online course to do that: He passed.
Multnomah Family Court Services gives the online completion of the course a head's up. Of course TMH will
have to take one too.
Kaine, et all, are now to take on Houze and Houze and Bunch:
Is the new Houze team going to be swayed with the online class? (And will they believe that, Phyllis, or whoever she is, didn't take it for him?)
Trying to figure out what is what with the four .25 filled dockets sheets I got. Pieced them together:
Now the real divorce is underway. Kaine must show his parenting skills during this divorce. Although he only has to take an out of state online course to do that: He passed.
Multnomah Family Court Services gives the online completion of the course a head's up. Of course TMH will
have to take one too.
Kaine, et all, are now to take on Houze and Houze and Bunch:
Is the new Houze team going to be swayed with the online class? (And will they believe that, Phyllis, or whoever she is, didn't take it for him?)
Trying to figure out what is what with the four .25 filled dockets sheets I got. Pieced them together:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
November, 2013 .... TMH asks for Immediate temporary Custody
Documents to the divorce-custody that Maxine did not link can be found here:
Saturday, November 30, 2013
To Be, or Not to be Trespassing
I'd previously excerpted a pic of just this red-shoe trod trespasser from this grander picture that has the "scribbling" as Lynne Terry so playfully terms it, in colorful chalk colors.
Of course this is a cul-de-sac.
And in deference to the other homes the childish phrases are clustered around one side of the street.
And in front of one house.
A house that in picture after picture we do NOT see Desiree Young looking toward.
She, instead is looking away from TMH's home. Is she possibly embarrassed to really confront TMH?
Yet she says, in varied accounts...that she saw TMH's "hair" in the window. Or was that TMH's body?
Anyhow....take a look at the pretty red shoes on this little girl's feet.
Gravel between the lawn and the curb. Don't think the city takes a detail of how many stones there are there to throw, private stones landscaped by a homeowner.
What does that mean to these little girls? Come on....starts with a "tre...."
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving, Terri Horman! From your favorite-est stalkers.
THE CHALK - STALKERS (edited 11/30...early am as I await the teens getting home from the Hunger Games)
A comparison of coverage of this newest stalking case: (Parenthetical comments are mine as are the final comments. Feel free to add your own comments as anon is activated; preferably with respect, as I don't want to have to come back everyday and delete name-calling, etc.)
First in line to run down to Roseburg:
KGW……"I just felt like I needed to make a statement to her, that Kyron is a priority and we are not going to go away," said Desiree Young, the mother of Kyron Horman.
KGW……"I just felt like I needed to make a statement to her, that Kyron is a priority and we are not going to go away," said Desiree Young, the mother of Kyron Horman.
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," Carol Moulton, Terri Horman's mother, told a dispatcher.
In addition to protesting outside the Horman home, Desiree Young posted fliers throughout Roseburg, including at many businesses Terri Horman is known to visit. (And how does she know the "businesses"?)
……..The mother of Kyron Horman tried to confront her son's stepmother again this weekend at her Roseburg home.
Desiree Young and a small group of her supporters protested outside Terri Horman's home on Saturday.
The group carried signs and wrote on the street in chalk, asking where Kyron is.
Terri is believed to be the last one to see Kyron before he disappeared three years ago, but she's never been named a suspect by police.
Terri's mother called 9-1-1 to complain about the protest and said the group was trespassing.
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," she told the 9-1-1 dispatcher. "So they show up every once in a while, usually down at the end of the street, but now they're sitting out on our front lawn."
(Which, in KPTV's photo, you will see steps onto the grass of the Moulton's lawn which confirm tresspassing).
Desiree Young and a small group of her supporters protested outside Terri Horman's home on Saturday.
The group carried signs and wrote on the street in chalk, asking where Kyron is.
Terri is believed to be the last one to see Kyron before he disappeared three years ago, but she's never been named a suspect by police.
Terri's mother called 9-1-1 to complain about the protest and said the group was trespassing.
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," she told the 9-1-1 dispatcher. "So they show up every once in a while, usually down at the end of the street, but now they're sitting out on our front lawn."
(Which, in KPTV's photo, you will see steps onto the grass of the Moulton's lawn which confirm tresspassing).
No one has been arrested in Kyron's disappearance.
KOIN:…nothing (Anna given up, or did she Decide not to be a "team player" having found out what/who Kaine is playing with?)
……..But this weekend, she decided it was time to confront Terri Horman, face to face, for answers.
"I guess I didn't think after 3.5 years she would have some sudden spark of a feeling for Kyron and walk outside and say, ‘Ok, I did it. I confess,'" said Young. "But I was just hoping that maybe it will make her not sleep at night or think of Kyron more." ("feeling for kyron"= possible false confession…how could she possibly know TMH's thoughts?)
The group of about 10 people stood perfectly positioned in front of Terri Horman's Roseburg home waving signs and chalking the pavements. Terri Horman reportedly never came to the window, but her mother called 911 to complain about the protest. (Hmm, DY saw her "hair" and then saw "her"?)
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing, and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," said Terri Horman's mother to a 911 dispatcher.
"The message that I received clearly on Saturday is that they are making Terri a priority and not their grandson," said Desiree Young. "I thought these were people who claimed to have loved Kyron, but they certainly didn't show it. They haven't shown it since Kyron went missing." (same rational as above).
Roseburg police showed up to talk with the group, but no citations were issued.
"Not having the answers, it's turmoil," said Young. "I can't solve the case. I can't get law enforcement to solve the case. I can't get law enforcement to arrest her, but I can stand out in front of her house and remind her of the reason we're here, and we're going to be here every day." (And there is the crux….Desiree gullibly extrapolates "suggestions" by LE, but can't get them to do anything about their/her suspicions…why? Gradually, DY is creating her OWN version based on suggestion?)
Quotes by DY for KATU:
"I can stand her outside of her house and remind her of the reason we're here and we're going to be here everyday." (Not what she said to Lynne).
"It's turmoil. And it causes anguish and it's part of a roller-coaster that we live every day and she doesn't understand that." (No roller-coaster for TMH? No lines of worry and fear?)
Regarding Carol M. 911 call:
"…I thought that these were people that claimed to have loved Kyron…but they certainly didn't show it…and haven't shown it since Kyron went missing.."um…they haven't helped us in any way, shape or form look for him." (You expect them to, Desiree? Really?....and how do you know anything about what they do or don't do?)
.......Young said she'll carry out more actions in the future but said they will always be a surprise. (See above. Not much of a "surprise if she's going to be there "every day")
IN the meantime, she's working to set up a Child Abduction Response Team in Medford.
IN the meantime, she's working to set up a Child Abduction Response Team in Medford.
"If we get everyone on board with the protocols and procedures, we won't have these children that aren't found." (REALLY???….well, if MCSO's incompetent Search and Rescue and then blame the victim is the only protocol DY knows of and she stays with the group to change that….maybe SOME children will be found…but NEVER a lost case? Lynne, did it occur to you to ask Desiree what she meant by that statement?)
Desiree Young – and Kyron's dad Kaine Horman – suspect that Terri Horman knows what happened to Kyron. To keep up the pressure, Young drove with with her sisters and friends from Medford, where she lives, to stage a protest in Roseburg on Saturday. (Why is "to keep up the pressure" here, Lynn? Do you condone "keeping up the pressure" in this way?)
"I'm tired of waiting," Young said. "She's refused to give us answers. It's torture." (Probably will NEVER speak to you again, Desiree. Why should she?)
Young said the group went to the place where Terri Horman now works, tacking up fliers and speaking to people about Kyron and Terri Horman. Despite all the publicity surrounding the case in the metro area and even nationwide, many people in Roseburg are not aware that Terri Horman is even living there, Young said.
(How many? Is she going door to door with a survey sheet? Is she bothering to chat with every one of the locals, here?)
The group also visited the home where Horman lives with her parents, Carol and Larry Moulton, at the end of a cul-de-sac.
("ALSO"… if it was an afterthought. Should read...."then she and her FB haters that she sent the message to….i.e. "no talkie, no Kiara"……did what they'd come to do. Stalk and call up the media to let the entire state know that DY still HATES tmh for breaking up her marriage to a known philanderer and wants to "break" her as she does Kaine).
The women chalked up the street, scribbling Kyron's name, and held up fliers with his picture on them. (No progressed ones…with national tv watching?)
"I wanted to bring pressure on her and remind her why we are here, " Young said. "I wanted to remind her that Kyron's not going away and I'm not either." (You would, DY, if there were no GoFundME and you had no Ego bolstered by people who hate those who have other opinions than them?)
Young said Horman and her mother looked out the picture window (well, she said on KPTV that she saw "tmh's hair") and that Larry Moulton came out in the yard and snapped pictures. Carol Moulton called police, saying the group was on their property.
Young denies that was the case. (Yet compare this picture, Lynne, to the one on KPTV. Clearly the stalker in the red boots was on the lawn).
"I'm really disappointed in Larry and Carol Moulton," Young said. "They are not the grandparents that I thought they were."
VW says,
Lynne, why do you continue to write these one-sided stories glorifying this vindictive woman who is in league with these haters? Are you ready for and encouraging DY to take the next step? Desperately-seeking Desiree is not going to stop. Will they yell obscenities to Kiara when she comes to visit?
TMH is not a RSO….which this fiasco looks like. There is no evidence to convict her. The MFH is no longer even mentioned…LE does NOT want to call attention to Bobby O'donnell…who was caught threatening another deputy who had eyes for his wife. (Extra! Extra!… that's a story worth investigating given the possible lens he was looking through when he interviewed Rudy).
In the last story involving Desiree YOUNG ... this woman told Dr. Phil that she would take steps to work with Kaine to find Kyron.
She didn't make it very far up I5, did she?
And her EX is not showing up for court, and is asking the judge for no cameras.
Any connection with TMH finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after walking the straight path for three years .... and her ex-husband's estranged wife not letting go of a vendetta?
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Respondent Requests Court to DENY the STATE the motion to Intervene
Jacob Houze has the Last Word with the DA's office.
The Motion to Intervene is "NOT WELL-GROUNDED in Law or Fact"
This Reply is one of the most interesting documents of this case that many of us have been following for 3-odd years. I'm reading each page with the lens of a parent who has just given an eager child his/her first venture into the real world of law.
Houze has shown so much class in the duration of this case. So has Bunch. They have repeatedly soldier'd on in the face of Judge M's year of "double-dipping" and Judge K's year of learning the curve.
I'll never forget one of the very few comments that Houze has made to the press. In the wake of DY's withdrawal of the Suit, for the "sake of the investigation" and Rosenthall's unethical leak of Dede's venture to the Grand Jury, Houze commented to KGW....
"I hope that the dismissal of this unwarrented suit obtains as much scrutiny as the inception of it"
Well, that might not be an exact quote. But it's close and i'll check it later.
With that "parental" insight into this case, apparently Houze, knowing that the end is in sight, is giving his child a chance to make history here:

The Motion to Intervene is "NOT WELL-GROUNDED in Law or Fact"
This Reply is one of the most interesting documents of this case that many of us have been following for 3-odd years. I'm reading each page with the lens of a parent who has just given an eager child his/her first venture into the real world of law.
Houze has shown so much class in the duration of this case. So has Bunch. They have repeatedly soldier'd on in the face of Judge M's year of "double-dipping" and Judge K's year of learning the curve.
I'll never forget one of the very few comments that Houze has made to the press. In the wake of DY's withdrawal of the Suit, for the "sake of the investigation" and Rosenthall's unethical leak of Dede's venture to the Grand Jury, Houze commented to KGW....
"I hope that the dismissal of this unwarrented suit obtains as much scrutiny as the inception of it"
Well, that might not be an exact quote. But it's close and i'll check it later.
With that "parental" insight into this case, apparently Houze, knowing that the end is in sight, is giving his child a chance to make history here:
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November 9th 2013
Affidavit to Support Motion to Intervene
by Donald N. Rees
Entered into Register October 31st
Sounds like they are more interested in Kaine's protection than any other. Why not Desiree?
Rudy? What does Kaine know about "mental impressions" of the investigators? And why would Kaine's knowlege of their "opinions" be of concern? (#9, second page)
Did Kaine already, in his depo to TMH's team, make some
off-the-cuff remarks even though Houze/Bunch were holding to the dictates of deposition according to what Kantor had deemed warrented.
Affidavit to Support Motion to Intervene
by Donald N. Rees
Entered into Register October 31st
Sounds like they are more interested in Kaine's protection than any other. Why not Desiree?
Rudy? What does Kaine know about "mental impressions" of the investigators? And why would Kaine's knowlege of their "opinions" be of concern? (#9, second page)
Did Kaine already, in his depo to TMH's team, make some
off-the-cuff remarks even though Houze/Bunch were holding to the dictates of deposition according to what Kantor had deemed warrented.
Donald N. Rees....Motion to (kinda) Intervene
October 31st, 2013
So, what is the point in this Motion? Is it a Half-motion?
Of note in the last page. "The State does NOT WAIVE its privilege of confidentiality with
regard to the ongoing investigation..........
In other words, to FULLY intervene would mean that the state would be able to be depoed?
Can't have it both ways, Underthehill.
Next: Affidavit to support this half-measure.
Perpetuation Deposition of Rudy Sanchez
Regarding Rudy (draft 11/09/13)
Latest on the Depo. Latest filed anyway.
This is all that was in the file post the filing of the objection.
My guess: Kantor called them prior to the deposition. Asked if Bunch had made a good faith effore to resolve the situation. Then denied the perpetuity depo. In chambers.
Kyle filed the original objection by Houze at the Scrib website. His did not have the filing stamp, IIRC. So he got it from whom?
Latest on the Depo. Latest filed anyway.
This is all that was in the file post the filing of the objection.
My guess: Kantor called them prior to the deposition. Asked if Bunch had made a good faith effore to resolve the situation. Then denied the perpetuity depo. In chambers.
Kyle filed the original objection by Houze at the Scrib website. His did not have the filing stamp, IIRC. So he got it from whom?
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