THE CHALK - STALKERS (edited 11/30...early am as I await the teens getting home from the Hunger Games)
A comparison of coverage of this newest stalking case: (Parenthetical comments are mine as are the final comments. Feel free to add your own comments as anon is activated; preferably with respect, as I don't want to have to come back everyday and delete name-calling, etc.)
First in line to run down to Roseburg:
KGW……"I just felt like I needed to make a statement to her, that Kyron is a priority and we are not going to go away," said Desiree Young, the mother of Kyron Horman.
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," Carol Moulton, Terri Horman's mother, told a dispatcher.
In addition to protesting outside the Horman home, Desiree Young posted fliers throughout Roseburg, including at many businesses Terri Horman is known to visit. (And how does she know the "businesses"?)
……..The mother of Kyron Horman tried to confront her son's stepmother again this weekend at her Roseburg home.
Desiree Young and a small group of her supporters protested outside Terri Horman's home on Saturday.
The group carried signs and wrote on the street in chalk, asking where Kyron is.
Terri is believed to be the last one to see Kyron before he disappeared three years ago, but she's never been named a suspect by police.
Terri's mother called 9-1-1 to complain about the protest and said the group was trespassing.
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," she told the 9-1-1 dispatcher. "So they show up every once in a while, usually down at the end of the street, but now they're sitting out on our front lawn."
(Which, in KPTV's photo, you will see steps onto the grass of the Moulton's lawn which confirm tresspassing).
No one has been arrested in Kyron's disappearance.
KOIN:…nothing (Anna given up, or did she Decide not to be a "team player" having found out what/who Kaine is playing with?)
……..But this weekend, she decided it was time to confront Terri Horman, face to face, for answers.
"I guess I didn't think after 3.5 years she would have some sudden spark of a feeling for Kyron and walk outside and say, ‘Ok, I did it. I confess,'" said Young. "But I was just hoping that maybe it will make her not sleep at night or think of Kyron more." ("feeling for kyron"= possible false confession…how could she possibly know TMH's thoughts?)
The group of about 10 people stood perfectly positioned in front of Terri Horman's Roseburg home waving signs and chalking the pavements. Terri Horman reportedly never came to the window, but her mother called 911 to complain about the protest. (Hmm, DY saw her "hair" and then saw "her"?)
"They're here carrying signs about our grandson who is missing, and they want to blame my daughter for him being gone," said Terri Horman's mother to a 911 dispatcher.
"The message that I received clearly on Saturday is that they are making Terri a priority and not their grandson," said Desiree Young. "I thought these were people who claimed to have loved Kyron, but they certainly didn't show it. They haven't shown it since Kyron went missing." (same rational as above).
Roseburg police showed up to talk with the group, but no citations were issued.
"Not having the answers, it's turmoil," said Young. "I can't solve the case. I can't get law enforcement to solve the case. I can't get law enforcement to arrest her, but I can stand out in front of her house and remind her of the reason we're here, and we're going to be here every day." (And there is the crux….Desiree gullibly extrapolates "suggestions" by LE, but can't get them to do anything about their/her suspicions…why? Gradually, DY is creating her OWN version based on suggestion?)
Quotes by DY for KATU:
"I can stand her outside of her house and remind her of the reason we're here and we're going to be here everyday." (Not what she said to Lynne).
"It's turmoil. And it causes anguish and it's part of a roller-coaster that we live every day and she doesn't understand that." (No roller-coaster for TMH? No lines of worry and fear?)
Regarding Carol M. 911 call:
"…I thought that these were people that claimed to have loved Kyron…but they certainly didn't show it…and haven't shown it since Kyron went missing.."um…they haven't helped us in any way, shape or form look for him." (You expect them to, Desiree? Really?....and how do you know anything about what they do or don't do?)
.......Young said she'll carry out more actions in the future but said they will always be a surprise. (See above. Not much of a "surprise if she's going to be there "every day")
IN the meantime, she's working to set up a Child Abduction Response Team in Medford.
"If we get everyone on board with the protocols and procedures, we won't have these children that aren't found." (REALLY???….well, if MCSO's incompetent Search and Rescue and then blame the victim is the only protocol DY knows of and she stays with the group to change that….maybe SOME children will be found…but NEVER a lost case? Lynne, did it occur to you to ask Desiree what she meant by that statement?)
Desiree Young – and Kyron's dad Kaine Horman – suspect that Terri Horman knows what happened to Kyron. To keep up the pressure, Young drove with with her sisters and friends from Medford, where she lives, to stage a protest in Roseburg on Saturday. (Why is "to keep up the pressure" here, Lynn? Do you condone "keeping up the pressure" in this way?)
"I'm tired of waiting," Young said. "She's refused to give us answers. It's torture." (Probably will NEVER speak to you again, Desiree. Why should she?)
Young said the group went to the place where Terri Horman now works, tacking up fliers and speaking to people about Kyron and Terri Horman. Despite all the publicity surrounding the case in the metro area and even nationwide, many people in Roseburg are not aware that Terri Horman is even living there, Young said.
(How many? Is she going door to door with a survey sheet? Is she bothering to chat with every one of the locals, here?)
The group also visited the home where Horman lives with her parents, Carol and Larry Moulton, at the end of a cul-de-sac.
("ALSO"… if it was an afterthought. Should read...."then she and her FB haters that she sent the message to….i.e. "no talkie, no Kiara"……did what they'd come to do. Stalk and call up the media to let the entire state know that DY still HATES tmh for breaking up her marriage to a known philanderer and wants to "break" her as she does Kaine).
The women chalked up the street, scribbling Kyron's name, and held up fliers with his picture on them. (No progressed ones…with national tv watching?)
"I wanted to bring pressure on her and remind her why we are here, " Young said. "I wanted to remind her that Kyron's not going away and I'm not either." (You would, DY, if there were no GoFundME and you had no Ego bolstered by people who hate those who have other opinions than them?)
Young said Horman and her mother looked out the picture window (well, she said on KPTV that she saw "tmh's hair") and that Larry Moulton came out in the yard and snapped pictures. Carol Moulton called police, saying the group was on their property.
Young denies that was the case. (Yet compare this picture, Lynne, to the one on KPTV. Clearly the stalker in the red boots was on the lawn).
"I'm really disappointed in Larry and Carol Moulton," Young said. "They are not the grandparents that I thought they were."
VW says,
Lynne, why do you continue to write these one-sided stories glorifying this vindictive woman who is in league with these haters? Are you ready for and encouraging DY to take the next step? Desperately-seeking Desiree is not going to stop. Will they yell obscenities to Kiara when she comes to visit?
TMH is not a RSO….which this fiasco looks like. There is no evidence to convict her. The MFH is no longer even mentioned…LE does NOT want to call attention to Bobby O'donnell…who was caught threatening another deputy who had eyes for his wife. (Extra! Extra!… that's a story worth investigating given the possible lens he was looking through when he interviewed Rudy).
In the last story involving Desiree YOUNG ... this woman told Dr. Phil that she would take steps to work with Kaine to find Kyron.
She didn't make it very far up I5, did she?
And her EX is not showing up for court, and is asking the judge for no cameras.
Any connection with TMH finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after walking the straight path for three years .... and her ex-husband's estranged wife not letting go of a vendetta?