Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Newest Docket: As of August 20th

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Notice that Kantor did not officially STAY the divorce or SUIT until April.

Bunch's Recommendation #3 - To evaluate BOTH Parents

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Feel free to comment below on this one.  
This is all I have on this one.

Bunch's Recommendation #2 - To evaluate BOTH parents

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Feel free to comment below. 

Bunch's Recommendation #1 ....... To evaluated BOTH Parents.

Feel Free to Comment Below (Draft)  

Bunch's Response to Engels, August 2013

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Is the Oregonian Biased in it's Reporting, Even Now that they are in a position to Report what they Claimed in 2010 that the couldn't report on because they hadn't been able to Get a Response?

RESPONDENT'S Response to Petitioners' Motion for Custody, Parenting and Psychological Evaluation

More LACK of Reporting:  Read for yourself what was actually said in the Response to the Motion by Engels.  This was the one Helen was quoting, I believe. Did she even read the aforemention Declaration by Bunch in regard to this?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

OregonLive Revises the REAL STORY

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What they do NOT report:

Why does Helen continue Maxine's slanted and biased and team-player reporting of the news?

Here is the actual response by Bunch....not only agreeing to the evaluation of TMH by Psychologists but DEMANDING that Kaine, too, be subject to evaluation of his Parenting Skills:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

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Skyline School   Sunday, late afternoon.  August 3rd 
Last Sunday, I was in the area.  I stopped at the Hillsboro FM on my way back from a Metalsmithing class:

Imbrie FM.  Infamous. Stopped in the FM for a minute. Walked over to the Starbucks which is a separate entity on the corner of the FM.

Then took a drive, knowing where I was headed. My little Iphone was ready to go.

Took a left on Cornelius. Hit the mileage. Timer. Wound up the hills. 8 minutes with no traffic to Skyline.  

Passed the "access" road where the truck had allegedly been parked in order to facilitate an easy "escape" by Kyron from his room.

 And then parked in the area of the main school parking lot in which TMH had parked...getting a premium spot due to her early arrival:

Note the addendum here on this map. Authorities are seeking...who may have been spotted by the truck as it was parked outside the school's front fence....etc...

If you cannot enlarge this map any more please note that the pictures I will be showing you from the outside of the school suggest the main level (green) of the school, which houses the elementary students.  Older students are taught at the lower level which is subset above the main picture.  Kyron's room was at the end of the hall on the main level. There are many blog sites which show the maps in greater detail.  I'll try to get a better one from the next draft.

So... anyway....on Sunday I parked in the area indicated by the square red box. I walked in front of the main doors thru the nicely gardened front yard riddled with garden boxes of various plants and a sitting spot where I could see Ky's room on the corner to my right, the little church on my left and the soccer field below:

The faint red railing to the right is just outside of Kyron's room. This is where, at the bottom, that Stenson said he had seen children come outside. And he'd hoped they would not come onto the soccer field that he was mowing.

I walked to the back of the school. I'm taking this picture from the back door in the middle of the school.  It is the door that leads from rooms near Kyron's to the "playground".  The red door on the right leads to the gym. The white "tank" in front of me is in front of two very large garbage containers. This door faces north.

There is a ramp from this door which is the only entrance to the school that will facilitate a wheelchair or other cargo needing a ramp and a Handicap access. 

Notice that a car could, temporarily be parked near this gym door. Toward the trees is
a parking area.

 Behind the garbage containers is a covered basketball playground.
Here are the same doors to the middle of the hallway between the office and the 
rooms leading to the soccer field. From the pictures near the classrooms, that I saw by looking inside, these are lower elementary grade rooms.

These are the parking spaces looking North. They are in back of the gym and to the left of the garage and to the right of the basketball area. (Looking, again, from the middle doors of the school).

Behind the basketball courts. Looking West,
 Behind the courts and looking toward the center BACK of the School and to
those middle doors that lead outside. 

Behind the courts and looking to the West side of the school. The little boy is riding
a bike toward the south end of the soccer field.

Looking at the west wing of the school. at the end of the west wing is a mechanical
room. there are more steps that appear to go down from this area.

 South/Southwest Views from the back of the school.
 Due south from the back of the school.

 Wider view of the middle door with the ramp. Most likely unlocked during school
at the time Kyron was abducted.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Updated 4/10/14

Newspaper Article:  "Kyron's mom Drops Civil Suit"  (Draft)   08/01/13

Wednesday, July 31st   (Note the statement about the "dismissed R/O).  Not much in the still-team-player media discussions about this. why?