I hope everyone had a happy holiday. It's really the little, everyday things that we remember to keep holy as we see and spend time with loved ones.
But now there is a lull, I'm thinking of this case again. This last "play" by the DA has me really worked up.
We should all enlicit the Newscastors and Olive and whomever else to file a motion to release the "rational" for putting the civil suit on hold!
But first....
Here is a view of our fair city, Downtown Portland, for those who don't live here:
This is a view from downtown looking toward the West. Behind the steeple is Washington Park, the Zoo, and eventually Skyline Elementary School, |
Director's Park Int the Center of Downtown |
Another view of Director's Park. The tall building to the left of the Park is Fox towers. Which houses a movie complex. Our DA is now directing a major fiction three blocks to the left of that structure. |
Everyone knows by now that the DA and Staton have put the civil suit on hold. Just at the brink of Terri Horman's side deposing Desiree Young and her husband, detective Tony Young.
Detective Tony Young, purportedly a bystander in this case, was with his wife at the home of Terri Horman while a MCSO police officer was also enbedded at the home for at least a week. During that time, TMH took a poly, then walked out on another, then took a third. His interpretation of those polys
was broadcasted around the world when he claimed they were the basis of his belief that TMH was
"guilty" of being involved in Kyron's abduction.
He would work with the police to arrange when information was released to the public via the bios according to Willamette Week.
Because of his status as a police officer, all of the heresay evidence - "hateful emails" "alledged MFH" and "alledged pings" - were given more weight in convicting TMH, and her friend Dede Spicer in public court. Although MCSO, itself, would never give one suggestion even that TMH was a suspect.
TMH's lawyers, again and again, tried to get proof that TMH had committed a crime.
They paid money and properly submitted forms to see if 911 calls could be evaluated, for example.
No go. The previous post shows that Rudy Estrada and the School and Kaine (associated with the calls) were "off-base".
Also no go on the attempts by Houze and Bunch to depose Rudy or O'Donnell.
Now....the civil suit gives them the chance to at lease depose Desiree and Tony.
After the Judge had ordered that James be deposed. And was about to rule on Dede having to answer more questions than she did.
It certainly looked like NONE on the DA's list of "cooperating" witnesses had been deposed. Not a one. Not Rudy, nor Kaine, nor O'donnell, nor Kafke, nor any of the School personnel that may have "lost" invaluable records for June 4th, 2010.
So....DA just happened to intervene when Desiree and Tony were to be deposed?
Had a "witness" or two on the sidelines to talk to the judge.
Really? The judge didn't say anything really about a witness. Or two. Witness to what? To TMH's heavy drinking? Friend of Kaine's who found the liquor bottles level had gone down after TMH visited? The gym owner who called the cops because TMH was going to abscond with her daughter BEFORE the RO? Could have been Rudy he talked to? Surely Rudy would be willing to add some more detail to the story he told O'donnelL.
Maybe had even "heard" TMH say Kyron
and Kaine had hurt her and she was very unhappy with them. Wished he'd get rid of the the two of them.
Reading Kafke's history...."Swimming with Sharks" in WW a couple years ago, I would not have any doubt whatsoever that he nor Bobbie could "produce" a witness if they wanted one. After all, Kafke, the lead investigator since December, 2010, put a man behind bars for 19 months knowing he didn't commit the crime and letting loose a cold-blooded killer. His "investigative techniques" assured that this killer never did the real time in the end, either.
But the DA, Shrunk, knew. And condoned it. But offered a caveat. Said he didn't believe in the death penalty cuz he knew innocents were convicted. Kafke was sued.
There is too much at stake in this case. Keep Dede and TMH under suspicion and MCSO does NOT have to answer to:
1. Not declaring Skyline Ground Zero
2. Not investigating dangerous SROs like Adams who were unaccounted for and in the neighborhood
3. Not holding Skyline accountable
4. Losing records of the day from Skyline
5. Tossing aside testimonies of Tanner, the groundskeeper, the students who saw Kyron later
6. Tunnel visioning from the get go to keep Skyline open and parents from jumping ship.
7. Continuing and funding huge overtime salaries for "search" efforts when family and friends declared early on that Kyron would not wander away.
It is my opinion that NOTHING will come of this effort to persuade the public again that MCSO is "close" to a resolution.
My goodness....look what Staton said in December, 2010. He'd thought it was a cold case. Then talked to his peeps. "Headed in the right direction.." he said then.
1. Was sure something would shake in January, 201l. Nothing did.
2. Was sure the "task force" and FBI would do the job in February. Nada.
3. Was sure there would be a "conclusion" in June, 2011. But disbanded the task force.
4. Now....A year and a half later....is sure there are new "investigative leads" that look IMMEDIATELY promising and we have to stop the suit NOW. Not in two days, not tomorrow, but NOW. The immediacy is not to protect a witness....it's to protect Tony and Desiree from being caught as the willing mouthpieces of the investigation.
5. But....no...not now the leads will pan out.....maybe in 9 months.
6. Or...two years.
Someone, or many, are unwilling to nip on the hand that feeds them. The answer to many, many questions of this sort is money.
Who is standing to gain. Money wise?
Lawyers? Rudy? Kaine and Desiree with their fundraisers? The MCSO who chalk up big overtime just before PERS retirement dates? Retired judges that need the DA to approve their continuing coverage of the case?
Maxine and Kyle and Dan ...... who do NO investigative research!!
And who are the victims?
Kyron is. And anyone who truly loved and cared for him and misses him.
And if Dede and TMH had nothing to do with his disappearance, then they and their
families are indeed victimized in the worst possible ways. Including violence against them.
But look at the Ramsey case. A profuse apology by the DA years later. Too late.
And Amber Dubois's father.
We really need look no farther than the fact that a month later there is no "Investigative LEAD".
And we won't see Desiree talking about suicidal tendencies anymore.
But you can bet she'll be egging on her loyal fans and accepting their weekly donations.
All in the name of Kyron.